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  • 06.05.08
    Hello. First of all I want to thank you that you helped me find my soulmate here on this site, it was a realy helpful site! Second, I want you to delete my profile again...because....even though that I am a very curious person, my better half got very upset when she saw that I had my profile here. And therefore I find it better to not have it, so it make her more relaxed. thank you again and have a nice day!:o)
    best regards
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    , 47 років.
    США, West Seneca, New York

    I have found a wonderful Russian woman on your site and I would like to say Thank You very much... I have tried many websites both local in the U.S. and abroad and yours is the best. I have had many pleasant experiences here and enjoyed my time on the site.
  • Заручений / а

    , 47 років.
    Украина, Харьков

    Здравствуйте! Я очень благодарна Вам за работу, которую Вы делаете профессионально и честно. Блгодаря Вашему сайту я познакомилась с мужчиной, который стал моим женихом. Мы счастливы, планируем создать семью. Сейчас мы решили удалить наши анкеты. Спасибо.
  • 04.05.08
    Like a breath of fresh air in the summer heat, your site has again given me hope. Unlike many sites that only strip one of money, yours is honest, I want to thank you
  • , 57 років.
    Австралия, Sydney

    I have found someone and I wish not to receive any more notices thank you ,you have helped me a lot you have lovely women on this site
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    , 47 років.
    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

    I have found a man through your site. Thank you! Hope other people will be as lucky as I'm.
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    , 32 років.
    Россия, Москва

    I met my love thanks your site, Kind regards
  • Заручений / а

    , 41 років.
    США, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

    I have found the most beautiful.... passionate... bright, sunny girl in all of the world... and I believe that she will be my wife.... thank you for your webservice!
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    , 55 років.
    Эквадор, Quito

    огромное вам спасибо!!! Я уверена, что уже нашла мою половинку на вашем сайте. Желаю всем удачи и огромного счастья!!!!!
  • 27.04.08
    Hi, I realy never expect that your site is so wonderful,perfect and full of wonderful,cultured and real ladies that is no compliment and i am sure i will find my second half here hope you the best for every one. Thank you and to all your crew
  • avatar

    , 37 років.
    Россия, Другой

    Я нашла жениха для себя.Спасибо Вам.
  • 24.04.08
    I wanted to write and thank you for the only 'real' dating site there is anywhere. I have met so many nice woman on this site and one who I am communicating with several times a day. So far, everything with Marina has been wonderful, she is such a breath of fresh air and so wonderful and sweet. I read somewhere before that American woman could learn alot from Russian woman and I totally agree with that. Russian woman look at your eyes, your soul, your heart and not someother less important feature. Thank you to the site for being easy to navigate, to all of you woman who are looking for 'their other half' and good luck to all of you.
  • avatar

    , 26 років.
    Россия, Волгоград

    Я нашла своего мужчину. Он приехал ко мне и другие мне уже не нужны! Спасибо вам за помощь!!!!!
  • avatar

    , 33 років.
    Испания, Alicante

    I believe I have found the right person for me. Thanks for your help!!
  • Заручений / а

    , 44 років.
    Украина, Луганск

    Я встретила своего мужчину и мы собираемся пожениться. Спасибо ВАм большое!
  • 19.04.08
    I think i have found the true love and the best man , thank you all for a great job and i loved this site! the best site online Thank you all
  • Заручений / а

    , 31 років.
    Казахстан, Другой

    Я встретила своего мужчину и мы собираемся пожениться. Спасибо ВАм большое!
  • avatar

    , 60 років.
    Швейцария, Zurich

    you are wonderful, thank you so much for giving me the chance to be on your great site, I love you all for this, I found my one and only great love on your site, spasibo! I send you three friendship kisses on your cheeks
  • Одружений / заміжня
    first of all, i want to thank you this site because in very long time seeking...i finally found my soulmate. actually i am already married. and to all the girls who still sending me a message...thank you so much but sad to say that i am sorry bcoz i am already married and i am happy with my wife now. so, all i can say... just goodluck to all of you and hope you can find someone of what you are looking for. and again thank you so much of this site and i want to removed my profile here.
  • avatar

    , 45 років.
    Казахстан, Семей

    Я нашла моего мужчину. Спасибо вам эа Вашу работу и Ваш очень удобный сайт
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