I will just say thanks for your help. thank you very much irina greetings ernst
, років.
Dear Irina, I thank you and your staff very much for all the assistance you have given me in my search for a Russian girl for my wife. You have always guided me gently and correctly though the search process. I have appreciated your advice and your matchmaking abilities. When I have seen girls in whom I am interested, you have given me good advice if the girl was sincere and matched my desires. If the girl was not compatible with my psychological test you were quick to note this fact and encouraged me to find a different girl. When I wrote letters to any of the girls on your web site, your translation time was quick and if the girl was out of the city or unavailable you told me this immediately. I was never left in doubt or wondering why the girl did not write back.
My visit to Saint Petersburg in December 2003 was wonderful and the girls I met there were of the highest honesty, sincerity and all were ladies.
I hope to visit Saint Petersburg again this year and I will only work with you and your staff. I am pleased you are my personal advisor. Dean
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Якщо ви вже відправили нам свій відгук, але бажаєте додати ще фото або якусь іншу інформацію, тоді можете написати тут. Ми намагаємося якомога швидше відповідати на всі отримані відгуки.